Monday, January 4, 2010

I know that i have already posted twice today, but i was just watching the news today and this story of a lady who was beaten by her boyfriend came up. They still haven't found her yet but it got me thinking. As someone who knows first hand what it is like to be in an abusive relationship, i just wanted to know how many others have experienced it. So i looked up some facts:

7% of women (that is nearly 3.9 million) are physically abused by their partners, and 37% (nearly 20.7 million) are verbally or emotionally abused.

every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband.

95% of assaults are committed by men against women.

42% of murdered women are killed by their intimate partners.

There are many more facts all over the web, i found these facts at

All this got me thinking (again) about why no one ever speaks out for these girls. So i am going to try and take a stand. I am going to fight this, tooth and nail. I encourage anyone who reads this to join me!

because too long have we let this go unnoticed.
Too long have we watched the news and not down anything about the degrading way that men treat women.
Too long have we been silent.
It is time to raise our voices. In unison, we shall rise.

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